
The Benefits of Restorative Yoga

For a well-balanced life, we need a variety of types of rest. We need the Netflix, brownies and wine on a Friday night kind of rest, the cuddles with loved ones kind of rest, the recreational, adventurous new experiences kind of rest, and most of all, we need intentional rest. This last one, arguably the most important, is usually the one we get the least of. It is easy to go an entire day stimulated by screens, conversation, driving, things to do and places to be. But have you ever noticed that the busier you are, the harder it becomes to slow down for the sole purpose of slowing down? Once there’s some momentum, it might seem scarier to stop for a moment, to rest intentionally. What would it look like to commit to a practice of rest for the sake of rest?

Below I’ve outlined three incredible benefits of restorative yoga in hopes that you will give it a go. Restorative yoga is a style that consists of deeply restful poses where the body is fully supported with props. Give this a read, and then take a deep breath. The spaciousness of restorative yoga awaits you!

The Benefits of Restorative Yoga

  • Permission to Rest and Prioritize Your Own Comfort

The best thing about a restorative yoga class is that the instructor is purposely holding space for you to do nothing! If you have trouble granting yourself permission to rest in your daily life, the instructor can do that job for you! In restorative yoga postures, your comfort and ease is the #1 priority. Every element of your comfort is taken into account in a restorative class- how much noise is in the room, to the lighting, the temperature, the atmosphere, the list goes on! For an hour, you and your well-being are the top priorities.

  • Give Your Nervous System a Break

Restorative yoga can be deeply nourishing to the nervous system. The ease of the postures (mostly reclined and all supported by props!) takes you into your parasympathetic nervous system (the rest and digest portion, opposite of your fight or flight!), so your body and mind can begin to renew themselves. Having trouble sleeping? Restorative yoga just might help you restore your circadian rhythm through deep relaxation.

  • Experience Silence and Stillness

This one is pretty simple. Restorative yoga contains very little movement, and either calming or no music, with as few verbal instructions as possible from the teacher. This creates an environment of silence, stillness and spaciousness for you to restore. If your life is full of stimulus, silence and stillness may seem scary at first. When we’re still, we can no longer ignore what’s going on inside us. But I can promise you, this practice, and the space held by the teacher is welcoming for everyone, no matter where you’re at. 

We currently offer Restore at the Soul Strong main studio every Sunday evening at 6:45PM. We’ve also just added Skin Glow Restore once per month at the Soul Strong studio. Join us for this unique class! Replenish, restore and rehabilitate your mind and body. This 60 minute class includes a 45 minute restorative session, followed by an organically crafted facial mask that will leave you feeling cleansed, physically and mentally. This time around, the masks are Pumpkin Latte Hydration masks from Eminence. They will be followed up with the Stone Crop Hydrating Mist and your choice of moisturizer (options available for different skin types). $5 supply fee (pay HERE). Limited spots available. This class is one Friday each month at the Soul Strong Soul Strong studio. The Fridays in 2019 are as follows:

October 18th, 7:30PM

November 15th, 7:30PM

December 13th, 7:30PM

Want to learn more about restorative yoga? Check out the links below!

Also, check out Soul Strong Yoga’s online and self-paced Yoga Alliance Yoga Teacher Training at You’ll become a 200 hour certified yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance with a specialization in vinyasa yoga for all people. We have incredible training modules in teaching Restorative Yoga and teaching Yin Yoga too!