yoga for anxiety

Yoga Therapy for Anxiety

If you’re a human being living on this planet, chances are you’ve experienced anxiety. We all deal with it. But here at Soul Strong Yoga, we know the power of the mind! YOUR mind! Anxiety or not, it does AMAZING things. Anxiety does not in fact have to be the “be all, end all.” Did you know we can literally retrain our brains to have healthier thought patterns? While there’s no such thing as a life without ANY stress, how we cope with anxiety when it arises wires our brain to continue that pattern. So why not start therapeutically managing anxiety now? Most of us are professional multi-taskers with very full lives. But repeating cycles of worrisome chatter in the mind gets old, especially when it’s debilitating us in one area of life or another. Whether anxiety shows up as chronic, situationally triggered, or is due to samskaras (scars or traumas of the past), our upcoming Yoga Therapy for Anxiety workshop is for you. We here at Soul Strong want to be there for you for all the ups and downs.

Michelle Young, 500-RYT and Yoga Therapist, is a soon-to-be familiar face around Soul Strong. She will be running our 200 HR Yoga Teacher Training in the spring through her Yoga Alliance accredited school, My Vinyasa Practice. Her yoga therapy practice is deep and full of range; Michelle worked at the Eating Recovery Center here in Round Rock as well as other clinical settings and works with private clients. In this practical workshop, you’ll learn how to identify and move anxiety through the body and mind using the tools found in Yoga Therapy. The workshop will begin with an informative group opening where members of the group can connect based on shared experience involving anxiety as a felt sensation in the body. Students will then learn how to use yoga and the tools found within the eight-limbed path of yoga to recognize and release anxiety from the physical body. The workshop will be 2 hours in length, and will cover yoga asana (poses), pranayama (breathwork), meditation, and visualization. Participants can expect to leave with practical, discrete tools that can be implemented to help manage anxiety throughout the day.

Yoga Therapy for Anxiety Workshop. November 4th, 2PM-4PM. $30. Join us by signing up HERE, or tell a friend who you know could receive a lot from participating.

If you’d like to learn more about Yoga Therapy for Anxiety, check out the following links:

Ready to deepen your practice? It might be time for Yoga Teacher Training! Take a look at Soul Strong Yoga’s online and self-paced Yoga Alliance Yoga Teacher Training at You’ll become a 200 hour certified yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance with a specialization in vinyasa yoga for all people. is a self-paced 200 Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training with a 5-Star Yoga Alliance rating. We certify yoga teachers in vinyasa flow yoga. Our teachers are highly skilled at teaching yoga for all people. We are one of the only online yoga teacher training programs to offer Unlimited One-On-One Trainer Support and Weekly Small Group Zoom Calls. Our yoga teacher trainees work directly with the lead trainer, who is a 500 E-RYT Yoga Teacher Training with Yoga Alliance. Our certification program specializes in yoga asana, cueing, sequencing, philosophy, anatomy, physiology, meditation, adaptive yoga, prenatal yoga and more!