Friday, January 10, 2025
6:30 pm – 7:45 pm
Virtual Cosmic Chat & Meditation with Stacy
Kick off the year with a comprehensive overview of the cosmic influences shaping the new year. In this virtual workshop, we will dive into the pivotal cycle shifts of 2025. The astrological landscape of the year holds rich and transformative energies surrounding personal and collective evolution, spiritual grounding, and the interplay between individual and societal growth.
We will discuss the onset of the year with a retrograding Mars, the implications of the nodal axis shift to Pisces and Virgo, the significance of the outer planetary movement to new signs, the infrequent yet impactful Venus Retrograde, and the illuminating eclipse cycles.
As the year begins with a focused Capricornian spirit yet the introspective sway of retrogradation, we will complete this workshop with a guided meditation focusing on grounding and stability. This will help you to align with your inner dharma in preparation for the alchemical months to come.
Free for Soul Strong Members!
$45 for Non-SSY Members
Join us virtually from anywhere! You will be emailed the Zoom link 15 minutes prior to the workshop beginning.